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Rovira Regenerativa: Drought resistant agroforestry

After the incredible success of our tree-planting last year, in which we tagged over a thousand agroforestry trees that have survived and thrived, we did a small tree-planting this year to be eligible to participate in the “Tree Planting Day” and to demonstrate the very best of our tree-planting techniques.

We created a photo gallery of 10 innovative and fun, science based, micro-techniques we use when planting, to give the trees a fantastic chance of living and producing, without irrigation, on the borders of our vineyard.

These are the ten techniques we share with you:

1) Choose your spot: Within the planned area we chose a spot under a deep layer of natural mulch where the soil remains humid for longer

2) Biochar: We add a small shovel of activated biochar in the hole to increase microbiology and it acts like a sponge retaining water and nutrients.

3) High quality compost: We mis the natural soil with some high quality organic cow manure and mushroom substrate compost from “MyceliOrganic”

4) Smart watering: ⅔ of the water is added to the bottom of the hole, while the tree is loosely in place

5) Add a worm: We added one to each tree!

6) Donut: A small circular ditch at the drip line helps water infiltrate where the roots need it most

7) Compost Tea: We mixed a about 20ml of compost tea with the remaining 2 litres of water for the final watering

8) Cone: This takes the water away from the trunk to encourage roots to grow outwards and be more wind resistant.

9) Seeds: We add perennial cover crop seeds around the tree to create a syntropic relationship.

10) Mulch: We add a light mulch which lets the seeds grow, but keeps direct sun off the soil.



Event Organiser:


Come and join us in the Vall Rovira, close to the town of Calaceite in Spain on Sunday 22nd December. Contact Anna via Instagram @roviraregenerativa

Join the movement

Ready to take climate action? The European Tree Planting Day is open to ​anyone who wants to restore the environment and give back to Earth.

Take part in the green revolution!

Why it’s important?

Collective action can have a more significant impact. By joining forces, we bring tree planting and its importance in combating climate change into the spotlight. 

Who can contribute?

Everyone is welcome! Municipalities, companies, NGOs, and individuals are encouraged to join the initiative, either by registering a planting activity or participating in one.

Can I organise my planting events?

Yes, everyone is welcome to organise their own planting event: organisations, NGOs, municipalities, environmental initiatives or even schools!
Discover how here

Can I join planting events?

Yes, you can join open events. 

Check the list of events here and subscribe to the open ones to participate. 

Where are the events taking place?

Events are taking place all across Europe. Each organisation participating can register their planting activity in their country.

Check out our calendar of events to know more. 
