Collective action can have a more significant impact. By joining forces, we bring tree planting and its importance in combating climate change into the spotlight.
Plantamos con nuestros alumnos, padres, conserje y maestros diferentes árboles y arbustos donados al colegio. Contamos con la participación del CEA Bosque Sur y CEA Polvoranca (nos prestaron parte de las herramientas). Fue una estupenda jornada de convivencia, de respeto por la naturaleza, en la que entre todos dimos un pasito más en la lucha contra el cambio climático. Gracias a todos los que lo hicieron posible. Plantamos especies que resisten el clima de la zona, con interés educativo para observar desde su floración hasta el fruto y que atraerán y alimentarán a polinizadores y aves: nogal, encina, madroño, ciruelo, melocotonero y durillo. ¡Disfrutamos mucho de la experiencia!
Event Organiser:
Ready to take climate action? The European Tree Planting Day is open to anyone who wants to restore the environment and give back to Earth.
Take part in the green revolution!
Collective action can have a more significant impact. By joining forces, we bring tree planting and its importance in combating climate change into the spotlight.
Everyone is welcome! Municipalities, companies, NGOs, and individuals are encouraged to join the initiative, either by registering a planting activity or participating in one.
Yes, everyone is welcome to organise their own planting event: organisations, NGOs, municipalities, environmental initiatives or even schools!
Discover how here.
Yes, you can join open events.
Check the list of events here and subscribe to the open ones to participate.
Events are taking place all across Europe. Each organisation participating can register their planting activity in their country.
Check out our calendar of events to know more.