20240419 1449 portada min

Desert Leaves - 2nd planting event in Pego

In the morning, the participants, that came from all over Valencia and Alicante, gathered in Pego village to drive up to the planting site togethers. There, they received a small introduction about the project and instructions on how to plant trees. Right after that, people started to help planting, enjoying the work under a bright sun. After finishing the job, they were welcomed back in Pego to have some drinks and empanadas offered by Pego Viu, and a small concert offered by Muscia Pel Clima



Event Organiser:

Pego Viu

All information and the registration form is available at https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-dia-de-plantar-arboles-2o-voluntariado-2024-1082368365919?aff=oddtdtcreator

Join the movement

Ready to take climate action? The European Tree Planting Day is open to ​anyone who wants to restore the environment and give back to Earth.

Take part in the green revolution!

Why it’s important?

Collective action can have a more significant impact. By joining forces, we bring tree planting and its importance in combating climate change into the spotlight. 

Who can contribute?

Everyone is welcome! Municipalities, companies, NGOs, and individuals are encouraged to join the initiative, either by registering a planting activity or participating in one.

Can I organise my planting events?

Yes, everyone is welcome to organise their own planting event: organisations, NGOs, municipalities, environmental initiatives or even schools!
Discover how here

Can I join planting events?

Yes, you can join open events. 

Check the list of events here and subscribe to the open ones to participate. 

Where are the events taking place?

Events are taking place all across Europe. Each organisation participating can register their planting activity in their country.

Check out our calendar of events to know more. 
